Make sure your network is is not the only thing working. The fish don’t always bite; the ball does not always go through the hoop. Changing your attitude takes effort too. What’s going on in your world that you can use to your benefit?
Act like the boy who walked into a room full of horse manure. While his father grimaced and plugged his nose, the cheery boy excitedly proclaimed, “There’s got to be a pony in here somewhere.
So, get optimistic and turn everything into an upside. Make a game of it. When you do, a boring training class coming up becomes a test of endurance. Got a thick new policy manual to read? Time to practice speed-reading. You’re a champion problem solver! Keep a log of the problems you successfully solve each day. Track and improve your average. Measure progress.
You need to make time for yourself. Take a break from the madness. If you can get away for a while, great, even for an afternoon or a lunch hour. Get away from your job and work on something else. Anything. Make the best grocery list the world has ever seen. Wax your car. Clean your closet. Play. Go buy a set of Lego Bricks and build something. Just make sure you’re active, and that you’re engaging as many of your senses as you can. Sitting on the couch with a pint of ice cream watching reruns of “Friends” does not count. You need to move your mind, body and heart. When you’re done, there needs to be something you can look at with that all but forgotten feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction. Go do it. Then answer the question below.
What did you do that moved your mind, body and heart?
Next up: “What Do You Want? ”
Share your comments, progress or tips on the blog, on the Karl Bimshas Consulting page on Facebook or on Twitter using the #whiner21 tag.
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