This is the time to take stock of your progress and make half time adjustments. If you're in great shape, this is not the time to get cocky or sloppy. If you're at your plan or behind, it's time to step it up. All is not yet lost. Most games are won or lost in the second half of play. It’s that time that most athletes train hardest on. If you’re on track, or behind but determined, you’ll soon bring an intensity of focus. You’ll need that if you plan to achieve all that you wish to achieve.
I'm a firm believer that many things (actually, most things) are possible. Which is why perseverance is an important characteristic to pursue. Half time is a good place to take a timeout, and assess your performance. Take a pragmatic look at your success and decide if you still want the things that you wanted six months ago. It could be that you don’t. Give yourself permission to make a mid course correction. If what you want has changed, change your goals. It doesn't make sense to continue pursuing what you don't want. The calendar doesn’t care. Six months from today, you’ll be celebrating New Year’s.
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