People get lazy in their discussions with each other. Always and Never are two words that get loudly bantered about like a ping pong ball. Those two words in particular are emotionally charged and most often used when the speaker is expressing a definitive opinion, disguised in an accusation.
An argument inevitably occurs when one speaker starts with an, "I always..." or a "You never..."
The unavoidable reaction from the other sounds like, "You always..." or "I never..."
On and on it goes. Point, counter point; both issue opinions that they think are facts.
Facts have certainty while the words Always and Never only sound like they do. True, the sun always rises in the East and sets in the West. Not true, that you never make the bed. You probably have at least once and probably will again. Nature has some certainty to it, we do not. Always and Never are inflammatory rhetoric seldom used in a well meaning way.
Always is forever,
and most things seldom are.
Never is not ever,
and that goes a bit too far.
Sometimes rests between the two,
with honesty and moderation.
But sometimes lacks the punch for you,
and reeks of hesitation.
Always and Never have been used in a destructive manner for too long. I'm not suggesting a movement that strips them from your vocabulary. I'm suggesting you use them when stating a desire instead of blame.
Be honest with Sometimes, which can probably replace Always and Never in most of your language. Grow more definitive in your life. Don't have values or beliefs that you sometimes follow. And of course...
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