There are 100 days left in the year. How does that make you feel?
Are you thinking, “good riddance”? You can't wait for the arbitrary turn of the calendar; you know 2010 will be better. Really? Are you going to throw the towel in already? Maybe you’re anxious, with fourth quarter jitters. You could be excited about the holidays or dreading them.
How has the year been for you so far? Have you achieved everything you first set out to do at the beginning of the year? Looking at your resolutions, are you frustrated or recommitted?
Have you made your mark on the year yet? Just 100 days left. What will you do with them?
Don’t give up. Focus on what you want to accomplish. Determine what resources of time, money and/or people you need to help you achieve your goal and then get to work.
In 100 days, you could make a positive contribution to the world, to your health, your outlook on life, or your family. You need to begin and you need to have a deadline.
Today, you commit. 100 days from today, on Thursday December 31, 2009, celebrate your achievement. Time will not wait for you. Either way that date will arrive. Ready or not. Be ready. 100 days. What will you do between now and then? Begin. Today.