Monday, February 14, 2011

Who Do You Love?


Several years ago I asked the people I work with that question. Specifically, “Which clients do you love the most?” More interesting than the answers was the speed in which everyone was able to respond. There was no hesitation as grown men and women – some road weary and hardened by the world, were able to freely and easily proclaim their love of particular clients.

I didn’t ask why they loved the clients they chose – but none could resist signing the virtues of those who had earned their affection. The reasons were as varied as, “They always pay on time” to “They get us and it’s always a pleasure to be with them.”

When they spoke, they pitched forward on their toes, appeared lighter on their feet and a sparkle danced in their eyes. As they continued to speak of these exalted clients they almost seemed giddy, certainly confident, and overwhelmingly pleased.

Now, to me, that looked a lot like love. Unfortunately my follow up question didn’t elicit as much frivolity.

“How much time do you spend with those you love?”

The swift wind that had filled their sails moments earlier had just been zapped, their magnificent sailboats stalled at sea as the air visibly deflated from their chests.

Excuses were mumbled over tightened lips – but it didn’t really matter what the reasons were, the result was the same. Neglect. Everyone one of them knew that love suffering from neglect could easily go away. It may be sudden or gradually – but it is inevitable.

Whether it be clients, employees, colleagues, family or friends – are you spending enough time with those you love? If not, start – because fundamentally there is nothing that you could possibly be spending time on that is more important or worthwhile than the people you love?

There are two ways to remedy this. First, shift your priorities to spend less time on the “burdens” and more time with those you love. Second, simply love more. Whether it be clients, employees, colleagues, family or friends – lead with a loving heart.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

1-4-3 Great Goal

Great Goal Discovery.001

In 1894 a flashing lantern was installed on the lighthouse at Minot's Ledge, about 20 miles southeast of Boston Harbor. The pulsating pattern, “1-4-3” soon developed into romantic folklore. It symbolized a coded message sent from the lighthouse keeper to his wife and family back on shore, “I-LOVE-YOU”.

There seems no better time than Valentine’s Day to announce a sweetheart deal for leaders and artists who want to discover their next great goal.

Too many people live life without a plan or even the knowledge of where to start. That’s why I’m excited about the Great Goal Discovery online coaching program.

The biggest value of online coaching is that you can complete your sessions at a time that suits you. If you’re busy with family or work commitments, you can complete your coaching sessions when it’s convenient for you from the comfort of your own home or office.

The Great Goal Discovery online coaching program is considerably more affordable than appointment driven telephone or face-to-face coaching. Invest only $143 and work at your own pace directly with me as your accountability partner.

  • Gather and understand your current goals.

  • Dig deeper into your multidimensional life with a Life Harmony Audit.

  • Create Great Goals to keep you focused.

  • Take inventory of your resources.

  • Review your pace of accomplishment and decide your next step.

Click here to learn more.

Haven’t you deferred your dreams long enough?

Take action now. Great success is waiting for you. Go get it!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Your Inspiration Likes Attention

Inspire RiverDo you remember when you last felt inspired? Did you do anything with that feeling? Inspiration often feels elusive, particularly to those who pursue creative fields. We name it our muse, and often go off in search of it like it were a mythical creature.

Inspiration, like most of us, enjoys attention and doesn’t appreciate being ignored. Have you noticed that those who find inspiration easily also find it often? That’s because they honor their inspiration. When it shows up they pay attention and take action. That’s not to say that ever piece of inspiration leads us down the path we’d naturally choose, but many times it does. The problem is, we ignore it far too often.

Inspiration doesn’t usually come on your schedule. It arrives at inconvenient times, like in the shower, or in the middle of the night, or when waiting in line and you don’t have a pen. Your heart races, your eyes widen and you are struck in that flash by what seems like the best idea you’ve ever had. It might be. But just as quickly as it comes to you, it disappears. Inspirations are ethereal things. Our job is to make them concrete. To take action. Any action.

I like the word inspiration and have thought of it as “in spirit”. It literally means “breathed upon” which has a divine quality to it. It’s when you hear your inner voice, or the universe or even God whispering a hint to you. When you give it that kind of weight it seems wrong to waste the experience.

People can find conduits for inspiration. A good book, a fascinating lecture or seminar; maybe for you it’s through surfing or taking a hike in nature. For others it’s stimulating conversation with friends, or in some cases, adversaries. Inspiration is all around us, constantly. Regardless of your belief system, every moment of the day we are “breathed upon” by forces greater than us.

Make time today and everyday to catch some of that inspiration and then act upon it’s message. Sometimes you will stumble, but no worse than if you ignore it outright. So take immediate action, even if it’s simply making note of the aha within. Don’t wait for inspiration to move you but always be moved by inspiration.